This course will discuss the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI. The course will also show how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational data. This course will also explore how to implement proper security standards and policies across the Power BI spectrum including datasets and groups. The course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution. Finally, this course will show how to build paginated reports within the Power BI service and publish them to a workspace for inclusion within Power BI.
Bu eğitim için herhangi bir ön koşul bulunmamaktadır.
Önerilen eğitimleri yoktur.
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Bu eğitimi alanlar aşağıdaki katılım sertifikasına sahip olacaklardır. Diğer sertifikalar için katılımcıların ilgili sınavları almaları gerekmektedir.
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